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Hearne Seed

UC Schaller 6 Row Beardless Barley


UC Schaller 6 Row Beardless Barley


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Product Description

UC Schaller 6 Row Beardless Barley

This can be planted in the West in the Fall

For quantities over 500 lbs. (more than 10 bags of 50 pounds) please contact us by Phone at 800 253 7346 or Click Here for a price quote and delivery options. 

UC Schaller is a six row Beardless (awnless) Spring barley which should be planted in the Fall or Winter in most areas of California and planted in the Spring in colder areas.  It is a great replacement for Belford Barley.  UC Schaller has excellent resistance to Barley Stripe Rust and Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus.  It was bred for use in forage mixes, grazing or as a dual purpose grain/ forage.  UC Schaller was developed by Doctor Lynn Gallagher at the University of California at Davis and was released in 2020.  It is well adapted for the California Central Valley and Central Coastal Valleys.  It's slightly later maturity works well with for mixing with wheat and oats. 

Plant at 100 Pounds per Acre




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