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Hearne Seed

Temora Tall Fescue Raw Seed 55 #


Temora Tall Fescue Raw Seed 55 #

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Product Description

Temora Tall Fescue Raw Seed 55 #
For quantities over 500 lbs. (more than 10 bags of 50 pounds) please contact us by Phone at 800 253 7346 or click here for a price quote and delivery options.

  • Temora Tall Flecha is a unique winter-active Mediterranean tall fesue.  It is drought adaptive  and persistent.
  •  This fescue becomes dormant during summer and recovers quickly in autumn for winter and spring growth.  For these reasons it is ideally suited to regions with dry, hot summers where persistent pastures are required.  This is a winter active fescue.
  • Temora Tall Fescue is best allowed to establish in the first winter with planned or light grazing.  This provides the root establishment required for peristence in following years.  Likewise, Flecha should regrow, before summer, to restore its energy reserves 
  • Temora Tall Fescue
  • like all perennial grasses, requires adequate soil Phosphorus (P) levels for a successful seeding.
Temora Tall Fescue is a viable alternative to Harding grass, Alfalfa or Orchardgrass.  Excellent option in drip irrigated orchards and vineyards or table grapes. 
Temora Tall Fescue is a complement to any dryland seeding mixture, in pasture and as a perennial covercrop in vines and trees.
Temora Tall Fescue is dormant during the summer it’s fescue that grows in the winter .
 This is a excellent choice for Cattle and Sheep.
  • Seed at 20lbs per acre as part of the grass/forb mixture.  
  • Recommended companion species include annual clovers,Tonic Plantain, Gala Brome and Atom Prairie Grass. Temora tall fescue is normally sown in fall, following adequate rainfall. A fine firm seedbed is best for establishment results. Direct drilling may be used with care given to sowing depth. Broadcasting without soil incorporation and aerial sowing are recommended only if the seed is enhanced with a coating for moisture retention and root establishment. 

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