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Hearne Seed

Pacheco Triticale


Pacheco Triticale

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Product Description

Pacheco Triticale (X Titicosecale):

For quantities over 500 lbs. (more than 10 bags of 50 pounds) please contact us by Phone at 800 253 7346 or click here for a price quote and delivery options. 


Triticale is a cross between wheat and cereal rye.  Pacheco Triticale is a winter active variety used primarily as a high yielding green chop -whole plant forage for the dairy industry or very high yielding cover crop.  When used for silage, Pacheco produces excellent feed quality and has excellent yield potential.  When used and a cover crop, Pacheco provides benefits similar to winter active varieties of cereal rye (i.e. AGS104 Rye and Merced Rye); high biomass production, weed suppression, greatly improved water penetration, and excellent cycling of residual nutrients.  Pacheco is day length insensitive and has midseason maturity.  At maturity it averages about 45 inches tall has very good straw strength for standability.  It can be planted in Fall and Winter in most area of California.  Pacheco should be planted in the Spring in colder areas, it will have the same growing season as Spring Wheat.  


Plant at 120-150 pounds per acre.


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